Downtown Galesburg Revitalization: Simmons Street Construction Begins March 31st

Courtesy of the City of Galesburg


The City of Galesburg is pleased to announce that construction will begin on the Simmons Street streetscape and parking lot Improvements on Monday, March 31, 2025. This significant revitalization project, located on Simmons Street between Prairie Street and Kellogg Street and the adjacent City parking lot at 235 E. Simmons, will bring substantial improvements to the downtown area.

The project will involve staged closures of the roadway and parking lot to facilitate the construction. One half of the parking lot will remain open during the majority of construction to allow access to parking and both intersections will not be closed simultaneously.

Streetscape improvements on Simmons Street will include:

  • New ADA-compliant sidewalks
  • Curb and gutter upgrades
  • Storm sewer improvements
  • Asphalt resurfacing
  • Landscaping and tree planting
  • Installation of benches and trash receptacles
  • Decorative street lighting

The adjacent City parking lot will undergo reconstruction, featuring:

  • Reconstruction of the asphalt surface
  • Curb and gutter upgrades
  • Landscaping
  • A pedestrian canopy
  • Decorative lighting

“The City is excited to begin work on this significant revitalization project in downtown Galesburg,” said Aaron Gavin, Public Works Director. “This project is a component of the long-term plan to enhance the downtown area and another step towards our goal of providing safe, attractive streets and parking lots that will promote economic growth and encourage people to eat, shop, and attend local events in the downtown area.”

The total anticipated project cost is $2.5 million. Funding for the project includes a $2,082,500 Rebuild Illinois Downtown and Main Streets Grant, with approximately $400,000 in local funds contributing to the overall cost.

A rendering of the project is included below to illustrate the intended scope of work. Construction is anticipated to be ongoing throughout the construction season and completed by October 2025. More information on City of Galesburg construction projects can be accessed on the interactive map on the City of Galesburg website.  

***Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***

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