New Pet Store in Galesburg to Be Full Pet Destination

Courtesy of Dante & Dory's Candace D'Agnolo


A new pet store will be opening in the Galesburg community. Candace D’Agnolo, founder and CEO of Pet Boss Nation, is opening Dante & Dory’s in Downtown Galesburg, a location she says will be a full destination pet store:

“At Dante & Dory’s, we will have a lot of retail products, things that you would typically have found at a pet supplies store, but also a lot of products that hadn’t been in this market before. We will have a lot of lines that you are familiar with as pet owners, but also a lot of cool things to check out. We will also have two self-washrooms, an outdoor play park, but inside; it is really more of a play space for activities that we will be hosting at the business. We will have a giant ball pit for dogs to play in and some other fun engaging games that people and their pets can enjoy. At a later date, we will be working on our lower level. The lower level will have a grooming salon in it. So that whole area will be an educational workspace and then what I do now in the pet industry outside of this, is that I am a business coach, and I help mentor brick and mortar businesses across the United States, Canada, and Europe.”

Dante & Dory’s will be located on the corner of Main and Seminary in Downtown Galesburg. D’Agnolo anticipates a soft opening of the business this May.

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