Spring Sports Season Approaching Fast at the Warren County YMCA

Courtesy of the Warren County YMCA


Spring sports are about to get underway at the Warren County YMCA. Registration is open for the upcoming volleyball clinic for kindergarten through 6th grade students. Youth Development Director Ben Davis has details for the seven-week CO-ED volleyball program:

“Kari Shimmin from the College, her and her daughters and a couple of other volleyball players locally, will help out with that program again this year. It runs kindergarten to first grade, second to third grade, and fourth to sixth grade; 8:15 am, 9:30 am, and 10:45 am starts respectively. That will start on March 22nd.”

Volleyball clinics will take place on Saturday mornings at the Warren County YMCA through May 10th.

Meanwhile, Outdoor soccer leagues at the Warren County YMCA are back for the spring season. Youth Development Director Davis explains this years’ changes:

“In the past we have done a second and third grade league, fourth and fifth grade league, and just last fall we did a sixth grade program that played in Galesburg. We are kind of combining everything this year, we are doing first to third grade and fourth to sixth grade leagues. All games now will be played at the Warren County YMCA, no more traveling. That will start March the 25th.

A seven-week Rookies Soccer League will also be offered at the Warren County YMCA this spring for pre-k and kindergarten kids, which will be held Monday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, March 24th through May 5th.

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