Warren County Board Motioned to Pause Jail Project

Photo Courtesy of https://safetyfirstwarrencounty.com/


A packed room was the setting for the special meeting for the Warren County Board on Thursday, February 28th at 6:00 PM. This was a follow-up meeting from February 19th where citizens of the county expressed concerns over why local companies were not allowed to bid on the 22 million project. Ringland Johnson a third-generation construction company in Northern Illinois was awarded the contract for the Jail project after the citizen’s advisory committee met with several construction firms and was selected by the committee as well as the county board due to their experience with other similar projects and their willingness to work with local contractors.

Marcum Spears attorney for Zach Johnson with Advanced Plumbing addressed the board with concerns over the process for selection of Ringland Johnson Construction in light of a new legislation from January of 2023 called the County Design- Build Authorization Act. (55 ILCS5/5-45001). Where this code authorizes counties to use design-build process to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of delivering public projects. Much discussion was had by the board over this statute as well as how this firm was selected. Ultimately the discussion led to a motion to Pause the Jail project for further discussions with Ringland Johnson as well as a review of the county code presented by Mr Spears it was seconded and a roll call vote to Pause was passed and will not be lifted until Ringland Johnson can address the concerns of the Board as well as the citizens of Warren and Knox County.

Also passed was a request to research possible Law firms that can advise on the whole process from the beginning to the end of Design-build authorization process. This is for research only as the board hopes to clear the confusion up with an open discussion with Ringland Johnson firm.

Another meeting of the Board will be proposed for next week with Ringland Johnson to address questions and concerns presented as well as additional questions from the board.

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