Warren County YMCA Waterburgs Compete at the Illinois State Swimming Championships


The Illinois YMCA State Swimming Championships was held March 14-16 in St. John, Indiana. Twenty-three athletes from the Warren County Waterbugs took part. The Waterbugs brought back championships in team and individual competitions. The team titles included the Combined Small Team State Champions, Girls Small Team State Champions, Boys Small Team State Champions, 8U Boys Small Team State Champions, Girls 10U Small Team State Champions, Boys 10U, Small Team State Champions, and Boys 12U Small Team State Champions. Individually, Everitt Gibson won the 12U Boys banner single-handedly, propelled by his 1st place State Champion wins in the 500 freestyle and 100 breaststroke, which he swam only 30 minutes apart. The Waterburgs had an additional 28 Top 10 finishes and 28 PRs.

***Photo courtesy of Warren County Waterbugs head coach Ashlyn Quinn***

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