I am pleased to introduce a new “The Chief’s Corner” initiative for the Galesburg Police Department. This program is designed to be different. It is not intended as a way to send out press releases or information blasts. It is my hope that this will be more personal. I want this to be a conversation between the citizens of our community and me as the Chief of Police. This will be done partly through the Galesburg Police Department Facebook page (@galesburgpolicedepartment). I will periodically post topics or thoughts for discussion and respond on the page as the discussion goes forward. I am sure there will be some conversations that will be less than constructive, but we will work our way through that. Please look for the next “Chief’s Corner” post very soon.
Another element of this program will be in person meetings. I will meet and share a beverage with the community at various locations throughout Galesburg. The first Chief’s Corner in person event will take place on June 11, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at Hy-Vee, 2030 E. Main Street, Galesburg, in the Market Grill Dining Room. I look forward to meeting with the citizens of Galesburg as the Chief of Police to have conversations, answer questions, hear from the public, and build relationships. I hope to see you on June 11th!
Russell L. Idle, Chief of Police
Galesburg Police Department
***Report Courtesy of the Galesburg Police Department***