Secretary of State Jesse White announced that the Illinois Secretary of State’s office has changed its official web address from “” to “” The change is designed to help combat fraud. A “.gov” website address designates it as an official government website, which is exclusively provided to federal, state and local government entities.
“Changing the website address to will help combat fraud at a time when scams designed to defraud Illinoisans have been proliferating,” said White. “Because the new address uses a .gov suffix, you can rest assured it belongs to a federal, state or local government agency – in this case the Illinois Secretary of State’s office – which adds to your peace of mind when transacting business online with my office.”
White noted that Illinoisans who type into the browser will be directed to
In addition to the website address change, White’s office unveiled a redesigned website that is designed to make it easier for the public to locate services quickly. The website prioritizes the most frequently used services, such as driver license, ID card and license plate renewals. It also breaks down online services into a specific section to help customers who wish to conduct business online.
Popular features, such as Safe Driver Renewal, DL/State ID Card Renewal, Facility Finder, Pick-a-Plate, License Plates Renewal and Business Services filings remain prominently featured.
***Report Courtesy of the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office***