You are being warned to keep your guard up, as the Illinois American Water Company says there are scammers pretending to represent the company that are trying to get your money, personal information, or both. These imposter scams are nothing new, but apparently a new wave of the scams has recently started across the service area.
Water company spokesperson Karen Cotton says these scammers can be very convincing.
“A lot of times criminals or folks that are saying they are with a water company or electric company or some sort of utility company, they will claim that someone’s services will be shut off, that they need immediate payment, something to that nature so they can get some quick cash and move on. The thing is, Illinois American Water will never ask a customer for money, cash, credit card information, or anything in the field. We do not do that.”
If you are contacted by someone claiming to be a utility worker, you are advised to: always ask for a company-issued photo ID; look for the logo; never give cash; if you suspect someone may be a utility imposter, close and lock your door, and call 9-1-1; and if you suspect you are receiving a phone call from someone attempting to scam you for payment, just hang up, then call Illinois American Water at 1-800-422-2782 to verify your account status.
***Report Courtesy of***