Strom Center Launches All Call System to Inform of Closures and Upcoming Deadlines


Strom Center has launched an automated all call system, available to anyone free of charge says Executive Director Carol McCrery:

“There are a lot of times we close in the middle of the day if the weather has gotten bad or whatever, so we want to have a system that is in place that anybody that is on that list can receive those messages either by text or a phone call. Lisa Ray is one of our staff and she has organized this and is heading it up. We thought this would be especially beneficial to us, obviously in the wintertime, but during Medicare D time, or when there are certain programs that are very important and there is a timeframe that is critical, we can but this out on these automated calls.”

Strom Center still offers telephone assurance calls for seniors that may be home alone or would just like to receive a check in call, whether it be daily, weekly, or monthly. For more information on either the automated all calls or assurance calls, contact Strom Center at 309-734-5677.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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