Since 2019, Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau (FB) has been evaluating many aspects of nitrogen (N) management practices, specifically the source and rate of N application for corn. The goal of this project has been to identify N source and application rates that produce highest profitability while providing sufficient N for plant uptake. As the project wraps up, Warren-Henderson FB has extensive soil and corn tissue test data, yield measurements, and profit calculations to share with area producers. To review this data, a meeting will be held on February 22nd at the W-H Farm Bureau auditorium in Monmouth (1000 N Main St.) from 12:00-2:00pm. A keynote presentation will be provided by Dr. Connor Sible. Dr. Sible is advised by Dr. Fred Below in the Crop Physiology Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research program focuses on high yield corn and soybean systems. During the meeting, he will provide growers with information about optimizing Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) without impacting yield. There is no cost to attend this meeting, please RSVP to W-HFB at 309-734-9401 or by February 17th. Lunch will be provided.