As Laverdiere Construction is ahead of schedule on the replacement of the water mains, sewer lining, and manholes in downtown Monmouth, City Council is looking forward to the next phase and going out to bid for the streetscape beautification, shares City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher:
“The square will not be shutdown entirely throughout the entire construction. The engineering firm, Hutchison, has finalized their designs and we are taking a quick review with those and then we hope to be able to take those designs along with bid specifications and go out to bid here during the month of April. We will need to have those out for bid for 30 days. Either in late May or early June a construction bid could be awarded and would expect construction to start sometime in June on the project. The phasing of the work, it looks like what we are trying to do is look at the 100 blocks in each of the four directions coming into the square being the first areas to be approved. Then I believe we will start in the northeast quadrant and go counterclockwise and finishing up in the southeast quadrant in Market Alley. That would probably be sometime in the fall.”
Plans on the Downtown Monmouth Revitalization project can be found at and searching “Downtown Plan.”