September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Locally, on Wednesday, September 25th, McDonough District Hospital in Macomb will be offering free screening, shares Vice President of Business Strategy Patrick Osterman:
“We have a clinical partnership with Blessing Health out of Quincy and they have a urologist, Dr. David Lieber, he comes and sees patients on the second floor of MDH every Wednesday. So Blessing, they are offering a free prostate cancer screening, and we are going to be hosting one at MDH. That will be on Wednesday, September 25th from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. You do need to register online. It is a free screening, but if you go to, you can find the link to sign up for the free prostate cancer screening.”
Osterman reported a statistic from Blessing that in 299,000 cases, 60 percent of men diagnosed with prostate cancer were over the age of 65.