BINGO at Strom Center in Oquawka

Each person is allowed up to 4 cards for FREE. Each additional card is 25 cents each. Refreshments will be served during the afternoon.

De-Escalation & Mental Health Managing Workshop

This workshop will be held at the Galesburg Public Library, 40 East Simmons Street, and is open to anyone interested in mental health de-escalation strategies. Using basic skills in de-escalation can assist in navigating crisis moments for a better outcome.

BINGO Night at the Monmouth American Legion

Friends. Fun. Prizes. 50/50. $3 cover includes 3 BINGO cards. $3 walking taco's, hot dogs, and cash bar will be available. Book your vendor table for $25. All proceeds will go towards the 9th annual Backpack for Kids event!

Calvary Baptist Church Fried Fish Dinner

Everyone is welcome to attend the Calvary Baptist Church's, located at 1000 South 1st Street in Monmouth, for their fried fish dinner. Carryout and delivery available. Donation for meal is $12. All proceeds will benefit the church.

Doc Pogue Memorial 5K Run/Walk

8th annual Doc Pogue Memorial 5K Run/Walk. Registration begins at 7:30am, Run begins at 8 am. Registration due by May 15th to guarantee t-shirt. Fee is $25. A KiddieK run following the 5K for kids 10 and under will run two laps around the park. Fee is $15 and includes a t-shirt.

Monmouth Fire Department Memorial Wall Dedication

Join as the Monmouth Fire Department dedicates and remembers the lives and sacrifices of two Monmouth Firefighters, Firefighter Richard Perrot and Assistant Chief Dennis Olson. Held at Fire Station #2, 1100 South Main Street.

Warren County YMCA Memorial 5K

Run for a vet! To honor the fallen Veterans and support the local military halls, the Warren County YMCA is hosting fun run or walk. Proceeds will be given to the local Monmouth VFW and American Legion. Register at the Y or online at Registration is $30. All participants will receive a run shirt and […]

69th Annual Roseville Fire Department Fish and Chicken Fry

All you can eat catfish fillets, scored carp, chicken, potato salad, baked beans, and drinks. Event will be held at the Roseville Fire Station, 571 State Highway 116 in Roseville. Free will donation accepted.

Silent Home Cemetery Memorial Day Service

Gather at the cemetery will begin at noon. At 12:15 the Honor Guard and Firing Squad from the Monmouth American Legion Post 136. MC will be Paula Danforth Bowling. Frank Youngquist, a retired teacher and coach at Rock Island High School, will be the speaker. Jeanne Gittings Robeson will provide the Veteran roll call.

Kirkwood Fire Department Memorial Day Breakfast

Come on out and support the Kirkwood Fire Department and enjoy a hot breakfast. Serving biscuits and gravy, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and drinks.

Biggsville Memorial Day Service

The Biggsville American Legion will be having a Memorial Day Service at the Biggsville cemetery on May 30th at 10am. In case of rain the service will be held at the Biggsville community building at 10am. Lawn chairs are recommended.

Niabi Zoo Presents: Ocean Adventures

At the Warren County Public Library come see the creatures of the sea that have bizarre shapes and forms. Through the use of preserved specimens, participants can interact with sea horses, coral, sea stars, shark teeth, a squid beak, an eel skull and more! We are directly connected to the oceans by the Mississippi River. […]

Monmouth Farmer’s Market

Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce's Farmer's Market will be held Fridays in the Fortress Bank Parking Lot, 300 Block of North Main in Monmouth.

Monmouth VFW Dinner

Friday June 3 Monmouth VFW will be serving Black Angus Hamburgers, French Fries, and Baked Beans. Serving from 5:00-7:00. Public is welcome.

Lake Warren Annual Youth Fishing Derby

Registration begins at 7:30 am by the boat ramp. Children age 16 and younger are invited to join the annual fishing derby at the big dam. Donuts and juice will be provided by the Hickory Grove Lake Co Board and worms are provided by DMF Bait Co. Kids will begin fishing at 8:00 am. This […]

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in Macomb

The McDonough County Health Department, in conjunction with IEPA and WIU will be hosting a Household Hazardous Waste disposal event on June 4th.  Details about the event, items allowed and registration information are available in the attached flyer.

Maple City Antique Tractor Association Tractor Drive

The Maple City Antique Tractor Association is holding a Tractor Drive on Saturday, June 4th, starting in Abingdon. For more details, contact Mike, Bill, or Curt at the phone numbers at the bottom of the flyer! We hope to see you there!