Monmouth Auxiliary Police Looking for New Members


Numbers are low for the Monmouth Auxiliary Police. Jim Bennett, Sergeant of the auxiliary unit, is currently recruiting new members for the group. He discussed his experience working alongside the MPD:

“It gives you an opportunity to support the community, and assist and support our wonderful law enforcement officers and deputies at Monmouth City Police. It’s just been very rewarding and very interesting. I would say never a dull moment,” he said.

The auxiliary unit has a maximum capacity of 30 members, but right now, the group boasts around 13 to 14 members. To join the unit, you must meet a few requirements; you must be 21 years or older, have a valid FOID card, undergo a background check, pass a 40-hour firearm mandatory training course, and Taser certification.

The auxiliary police make appearances at highly populated events around Monmouth such as high school football games, the Prime Beef Festival, BaconFest, and also occasionally assist MPD officers in a ride-along capacity. The auxiliary police help on a volunteer basis, so Bennett advises those that are interested to be ready for a sizable commitment:

“You will get out of it what you put into it. Especially because of the investment that it requires of a person to be involved in it. It’s a little bit different, so make sure that this is something that you can commit some time and effort to because it does require some,” Bennett stated.

If you are interested in joining the Monmouth auxiliary police, contact them via their Facebook page, which is named Monmouth Warren County Auxiliary Police.

written by Jackson Kane

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