A pre-trial hearing in the first-degree murder case of Drew M. Pearman is scheduled for Wednesday September 19th at 1:30pm by Judge James Standard.
Pearman, 34, of Monmouth is charged with first-degree murder in the shooting of Zackery D. Talley, 27, also of Monmouth, on December 24, 2017.
Since the shooting, State’s Attorney Andrew Doyle has filed 300 days of continuances and is on his last one, which expires October 23rd.
Doyle spoke with the Illinois State Police Crime Lab back on August 23rd after additional DNA, including Pearman’s fingerprints, were sent to the lab.
The evidence was scheduled to be returned to Doyle by September 14th, for him to go through before the hearing. If there is inadequate time for Public Defender Thomas Siegel, who represents Pearman, to analyze the evidence, he may have to file his own continuance before Doyle’s continuance expires.
If the evidence is not returned by October 20th, Doyle has two options: to allow Pearman to be released until trial, or go to trial without all the evidence.
written by Kelsey Crain