The Monmouth-Roseville School Board met earlier this week and the main item discussed was the Tax Levy. Superintendent Ed Fletcher has more:
“Our levy this year could go down two cents or stay right where it’s at. It’s not a tremendous difference from last year. That’s our levy though, sometimes other tax embodies they do what they do with their levies. Some of those go up and some go down. I can’t speak for individuals tax payers’ tax bills, but I can say the levy for Monmouth-Roseville will be very similar to what it was last year,” reports Fletcher.
The Tax Levy was approved by the board.
The board also had some discussion about hiring Instructional Coaches. Fletcher shares more:
“Kind of similar to athletic coaches, where athletic coach’s work with athletes, and instructional coaches will work teaching on literacy and math, or whatever else you decide to create an instructional coach position for,” Fletcher states.
The board approved a job description for a Literacy and Mathematics Instructional Coach, in the hopes to enhance student performances on tests and in the classrooms.
To view the entire board minutes, visit
To hear Fletcher’s entire interview, listen below: