Bustos will continue to fight for family farmers across Northwest and Central Illinois by serving her fourth consecutive term on the Agriculture Committee
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) was appointed by the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee to serve her fourth consecutive term on the Agriculture Committee. As the House Appropriations Committee is an exclusive appointment, Congresswoman Bustos received a waiver from the Speaker to serve on the Agriculture Committee this Congress.
“As the largest economic driver in our state, fighting for our agricultural producers has always been a top priority of mine,” Congresswoman Bustos said. “I am proud to have been part of the work to pass a Farm Bill last congress and am excited to continue my tenure on the Agriculture Committee to ensure the voice of Illinois farmers are given a seat at the table in Washington. Working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, I am confident we can advance strong policies that support our family famers, grow our rural economy and deliver a better deal for rural Americans.”
***Report Courtesy of Congresswoman Bustos***