On Friday, June 14, the Galesburg Civic Art Center will host Summer Soirée: A Night in the Forest of Fantasy, a fundraiser to benefit their FREE exhibition and arts education programming. The Soirée is being held at the Whitcomb Art Center on Knox Campus, S. Prairie St., and will feature a variety of artists’ work that are part of a live auction that begins at 7:30pm and additional pieces by local and emerging artists that are part of the silent auction. There are also artists that will be demonstrating their talents in clay, fiber, photography, oil, collage, and acrylics. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the artists during their creative process, enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar when the doors open at 6pm. Dali mustaches are encouraged, but not required.
The diverse list of artists who have donated their work to the 2019 live auction includes: Jeanne Clark, Larry Jon Davis, Chris Dokolasa, Adam Erickson, Andrea Ferrigno, Kate Flynn, Thomas Foley, Dave Hupke, Cody Jones, Joe Meirhaeghe, Patrick Messenger, Katy Price, Lori Reed, Janice Rockwell, Dean Rockwell, Thomas Rogers, Dusty Scott, Ralph Scott, Steve Sinner, Studio2:22, Kendall Thompson, Jelena Todorovich, Lee Whiteside, and Janis Mars Wunderlich.
Also offered at auction, “The Dinner,” an incredible multi-course meal for three couples, that is carefully curated by Mark & Pam Davis and Niels & Linda Lewis. This year will be a reinvention of favorite courses – a greatest hits – giving “The Dinner” a new twist. Chris Dokolasa has also donated a “Naked Pottery Party,” a private evening with friends that will take special pieces from green to glazed at her Hole in the Earth Pottery studio, while enjoying hors d’oeuvres and drinks.
Tickets are $40 per person and support FREE exhibition and arts education programming of the Galesburg Civic Art Center. Tickets may be purchased at the Art Center or online at www.galesburgarts.org.
We thank our Major Sponsors: Bates Collision Center, Blick Art Materials, Trillium Dell, WGIL, Mark & Pam Davis, Linda & Niels Lewis, and Hole in the Earth Pottery.
Art Center hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10:30am to 4:30pm and Saturdays, 10:30am to 3:00pm. For more information, please contact the Galesburg Civic Art Center at 114 E. Main St. in Galesburg by calling 309-342-7415 or visit www.galesburgarts.org.
***Report Courtesy of the Galesburg Civic Art Center***