Junior High
The United Red Storm and West Central Heat junior high baseball teams both earned blowout victories last night. The Red Storm traveled to Stark County junior high and came home with an 18-1 win. United pounded out 18 hits to go along with those 18 runs. Carter Rothzen went 4-4 with 7 rbis and a double to lead the way. Derrick Sargeant was 3-4 with a double and 3 rbis. Also getting mulitple hits were Elliott Copeland, Jacob McElwee and Sully Wiles with two hits each. Rothzen also got the pitching win, going five innings, giving up three hits and one earned run. He also struck out five batters and the Red Storm evened their record at (2-2) on the season.
The West Central Heat shutout Hamilton 17-0 on the road in Hamilton for the Heat’s first win of the season. Noah Lenahan was 3-4 with four rbis and a double. Alex McGraw was 2-3, scoring three runs and Kyle Lafary was 2-2 with three rbis. Lenahan and Hayden Eisnicher combined on the shutout with Lenahan getting the official victory, along with five strikeouts.