City Council Meeting Summary 11.04.2019


Next City Council Meeting – November 18th, 2019 at 6:00 PM

Official Minutes available at

0 – Veteran’s Day Proclamation

 Mayor Davies read the annual Veteran’s Day Proclamation recognizing the contributions and the sacrifices made by those men and women who serve in the Armed Forces.

1– Presentations Or Citizen Inquiries

Resident Ron Hollis spoke to Council regarding Zoning and junk and debris issues. Hollis spoke about two parcels that have brush overgrowth and dead trees which are adjacent to his property. Concerns were voiced regarding the procedures and timelines involved when administrative action is taken on non-compliant properties and how improvements could potentially be made. City Council thanked Mr. Hollis for speaking, and the Zoning Department and Ward Aldermen will follow up on the issues.

  • – Building and Zoning Monthly Report – Director Clark

• Parkin’s trucking completed their electrical rough-in and have begun working on the building’s drywall.

• The YMCA swimming pool backfill has started, and some concrete is being poured.

• The new sterile processing unit that O.S.F. Holy Family is constructing is progressing with electrical and drywall work.

• Midwest Pet Foods has completed foundation footings for its new building and has started on the building’s exterior wall construction.

3- Woodard and Curran Monthly Report – Director Jackson

• The bid opening for the E.P.A. mandated consolidated sewer mitigation plan is November 6th. Bidding is for phase 2 construction work, which will be an increase in the size of the pumping station that is used to move water from the Jackson Avenue plant to the consolidated plant North of town. The station improvements will allow the main facility to quickly treat the large volumes of stormwater that occur during back to back storms.

• Brandt Construction completed the street program for 2019. The final total costs are $677,285 from Motor Fuel Tax and $101,227 from Local Fuel Tax for a total of $778,512 for this years’ work.

• The new state gasoline tax is generating about $14,000 per month in additional revenue to the City’s Motor Fuel tax fund. The City typical had been receiving around $20,000 per month in allotments from the state, which is now approximately $34,000 per month going into the fund. The additional revenue allotments started in August.

• Street leaf pickup has started this week.

• A substantial water main in front of Dollar General on North Main Street suffered a failure over the weekend that presented some very unique challenges due to the water mains position and the amount of water that the pipe carries. Director Jackson spoke to City Council regarding the professionalism and dedication that the public works department showed during the repair.

4- Christmas On The Square request – MACC – Amy Patterson

The Monmouth Area Chamber Of Commerce is requesting a closure of the town square so that they may host their annual Christmas event on December 6th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. The event was very successful last year and had participation from many downtown businesses that host musicians, performers, and other Christmas activities. Christmas carolers and carriage rides are also present.

A motion for approval was made and was approved.

More information regarding this event may be found at

5- Discussion of 353 Downtown Report – Administrator Steinbrecher

This item is part of a long-term strategic project that involves downtown revitalization over the coming years. Tonight’s topic is only part of the City’s initial findings and will be revisited multiple times as the City develops a long-term plan for economic development in Monmouth.

During the September 16th City Council meeting, 353 Court presented their plan for Monmouth’s downtown revitalization. This comprehensive plan has been available and will continue to be available for review on the City’s website and at City Hall. The item before City Council tonight is for the formal adoption of their work-plan.

A motion for to put a resolution for adoption on the next agenda was made and was approved.

6- 2019 Property Tax Levy Presentation – Administrator Steinbrecher

Every year, the City performs a property tax levy. The City’s portion of the property tax is used to fund the police and fire pension funds, debt service, and general services to the community.

This year’s Tax Levy is for $2,321,000, which is estimated to be $2.87 for every $100 of assessed value.

• 17% ($400,000) of the levy is for debt service is used to pay for a small amount of the City’s general obligation debt. This debt has been accumulated primarily from federally mandated water and sewer infrastructure projects.

• 14.4% ($333,900) of the levy is used for general services to the community. These services include Police, Fire, and City Hall employees as well as equipment related expenses like vehicles, apparatus, technology, and infrastructure. The general fund encompasses a vast number of services and costs. Property tax revenue only accounts for a small portion of the $1,750,961 budget, with the remaining being derived from additional revenue sources.

• 68.4% ($1,587,100) of the levy is used to fund the City’s portion of the public safety pensions. This levy amount does not include the employee’s mandated contribution to their respective pension funds.

A PowerPoint presentation was also displayed during this meeting and is available for viewing on the City’s website and at City Hall. A motion was made to draft a resolution for placement on the next City Council meeting. The motion was approved.

6- Ordinances and Resolutions

  1. Sale Of City-Owned Real Estate

• The parcel at 1014 West 4th had previously fallen into a state of disrepair, and the property owner elected to turn ownership of the property over to the City. After demolition of the structure, the parcel is now being sold to the Monmouth/Roseville school district to be utilized as a parking lot for the Sunny Lane Athletic Field. The plot is being sold for $20,000. A motion was made to approve the sale and was approved.

• The Parcel in the 800 block of South 3rd Street is a vacant lot that the City owns due to the demolition of an abandoned structure in the past. A neighbor has expressed interest in the lot and would like to purchase it for $1,000. A motion was made to approve the sale and was approved.

  • Alleyway Vacation – 400 block between South I Street and Sunny Lane

The alley in the 400 block of South I and Sunny lane, running West/East, is not currently maintained and does not have vehicular traffic. A utility easement will remain in effect; however adjacent parcels will see a property extension after the alleyway vacation. A motion was made to approve the vacation and was approved.

7- Executive Session

No executive session was held this evening.

8- Other business

City Council had a brief discussion regarding the past policy discussion regarding Video Gaming Machines and their desire to bring it back for general discussion at a later meeting date.

***Report compiled by Ken Helms, City Of Monmouth***

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