Two public hearings were held during the recent Monmouth City Council meeting to discuss the CSO Operations and Maintenance Plan and the Pollution Prevention Plan to ensure no solid or liquid waste pollution goes into the sewer system. Ken Helms, Community Engagement Director, summarizes the operations and maintenance plan of action :
“We are going to clean the streets regularly using the city street sweeper. We are also going to clean the catch basins periodically to make sure they are not plugged up or anything getting into them that shouldn’t be. Make sure the trunk servers are periodically inspected and cleaned. Those are the areas where the sanitary sewer begins to combine with the storm sewer. We are also going to make sure the lift stations are regularly inspected and cleaned. Also, we will attempt to detect and eliminate and liquid connections to the sewer system,” Helms reports.
As part of the pollution prevention plan, the city will continue to maintain curbside solid waste and recycling collection, use of the transfer station for hazardous waste, and leaf and yard waste pick-up.