Jack Larson Big Band Concert Benefit


The Jack Larson Big Band will be presenting ‘The Sounds of the Past for Musicians in the Future’ fundraiser this Sunday, March 8th to raise funds to get instruments in the hands of students. John Larson shares who will be performing:

“The Galesburg High School Jazz Band will open the concert. That is a group of young folks from Galesburg High School that do an exceptional job. We also have a band made up of adults who either are current teachers in District 205 in the music area, prior teachers in the music area in District 205, or local musicians who have some private students that participate in the music programs in District 205. Joining them will be myself on drums and my son Adam Larson on saxophone,” Larson says.

The benefit will be held in the Jack Larson Auditorium at Lombard Middle School beginning at 2 pm. Admission is $10 for adults and free for students.

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