Over 1,000 area high school students will flood Monmouth-Roseville High School this Saturday, March 7th for the annual Solo and Ensemble competition. 21 schools will be represented at the very competitive competition says Monmouth-Roseville Chorus Director Kevin Ferry:
“It is going to be a very competitive site. There is going to be a lot of people competing for sweeps. I don’t remember off the top of my head, but we have a lot of returning champions. A lot of returning second place, third place, people coming to our site. It is going to be a pretty competitive day. The kids are going to be on their phones, Kyle Barshinger, Lisa Hallen and I will be on our phones updating those scores throughout the entire day,” Ferry shares.
The first event will begin at 7:40 am on Saturday at Monmouth-Roseville High School. There is no cost to attend the Solo and Ensemble competition.