Warren County Health Department Encourages Social Distancing Strategy

Photo Courtesy of the Warren County Health Department


Taking action and putting things in place before the coronavirus is here, is what the Warren County Health Department is doing to try and slow down the progression. Administrator Jenna Link offers strategies to follow to help combat the pandemic:

“We are really trying to stress right now the social distancing. Six feet apart for less than ten minutes, reducing those large gatherings where people can be exposed. The strategy is to try and slow down the progression of the disease so that it doesn’t overwhelm our health care system. If we do nothing and see a huge spike, and we have a lot of severe cases, the health care system, who is still recovering from the seasonal flu this year, will be completely overwhelmed. It will be difficult to treat those with the severe form of the illness because they will be short on supplies, short on staff, etc.,” Link states.

The health department has several systems in place, including a virtual emergency operation center and a disease surveillance system where they can monitor patients and symptoms.

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