Warren County Treasurer, Kathy Tate wants you to know:
The 2019 pay 2020 Real Estate Tax Bills are in the mail. The drop date for the mail was Sept. 4, so you should start receiving them this week.
The tax bills this collection has two equal installments with the same date of October 16th on them. You may pay the first installment when you receive it or you can wait and pay both installments by the due date. The penalty will not start until October 17th.
Payments for your tax bills: You have many options, you may pay by mail, or you may use most local banks including Alexis and Roseville. We have a drop box outside the front Court House doors. Due to the Coronavirus we suggest you use one of these options. Payments can also be made in the Treasurer’s Office with restrictions. We ask that you wear a mask and social distance. The number allowed to make payment at one time will be monitored for your safety.
For credit/debit card users you may make payments by logging onto www.govtechtaxpro.com.
Please notify the Treasurer’s Office if you do not receive your tax bill by September 25. You may call (309) 734-8536 if you have any questions.
***Report Courtesy of the Warren County Treasurer’s Office***