In a stunning development late Friday afternoon, all high school sports are now allowed in regions in Illinois that have reached Phase Four Covid Mitigations under new guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health. State public health director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said in a press conference on Friday that she has been getting many emails and calls from students, parents and coaches, and knows how important school sports are to youth development. She offered some good news for regions now in Phase Four, including Springfield, Champaign, and Southern Illinois. The clearance includes those sports deemed high-risk, like football and basketball.
Region 2, which includes our immediate listening area counties, such as Warren, Knox, Henderson, Mercer, McDonough, Fulton, among others, are currently in Tier 1 Mitigations but are expected to go to Phase Four in a short time.
Monmouth-Roseville Athletic Director Jeremy Adolphson stopped by the AM 1330 WRAM Morning Show to explain how this news affects our local area.