Tim Kramer shares about his 2019 project in Hawaii to film the 9th and 10th episode on the YouTube series Plants Are Cool, Too! Hawaii is home to National Tropical Botanical Gardens and many native plants that are in danger of going extinct. Producer at Northway Productions and on retainer at Monmouth College Tim Kramer explains:
“Two reasons we went to Hawaii, one the National Tropical Botanical Gardens of the United States are there on the island of Kaua’i, also on the island is a research station and a group of scientists has been working for the past 40 years on trying to save a specific species of plant called Schiedea which is native to Hawaii but is being overcome by all sorts of challenges and is on its way to being extinct. It is one of many floral plants in Hawaii that are really in danger of not making it and it is a nice example of a big team effort to succeed.”
The educational episodes are posted on the YouTube channel, Plants Are Cool, Too!, and on the Smithsonian website under the Botany section.