The first Republican has announced their candidacy for Governor. Paul Schimpf a one term State Senator is in.
Schimpf from Waterloo, has run state-wide before, losing the race for Attorney General to Lisa Madigan in 2014. Schimpf says he’s running to prevent the state from sliding further away from it’s potential and he’s learned lessons by watching the last Republican Governor, Bruce Rauner, run Illinois.
“A lot of times people say we need to just run government like business. That may be true in terms of making sure that we stay within our means and don’t spend money that we don’t have, but the big difference between business and government is government requires building consensus, it requires incrementalism. Those were the two biggest mistakes I thought that the Rauner administration made.”
Schimpf is a graduate of the Naval Academy and finished up as a prosecutor inside of the Marine Corps.
***Report Courtesy of***