Vaccine clinics continue in Warren County as nearly 16% of residents have been fully vaccinated. Weekly clinics with the Warren County Health Department happen on Wednesdays for first doses and second dose clinics typically being held on Fridays. Administrator Jenna Link explains what to expect at the clinics held at the First Christian Church:
“Step one you come in the door and check in. If you are able we send out an email with a consent form ahead of time. It’s great if you have the opportunity to print that off, fill it out, bring it with you; it just speeds up the process quite a bit at the clinic. If you don’t, we have blank forms available. You check in at the counter, we verify with your ID, go through the consent form with you. Once that is all finished we bring you in the doorway of the sanctuary, we have a greeter, one of our volunteers that tracks and as soon as a nurse is available, they direct you to whichever nurse is open, you get your shot, drop your paperwork off at the computer station, and then we do a 15 minute observation to make sure that you are not having any immediate reaction the vaccine.”
To schedule an appointment for next week’s clinic to be held on Wednesday, March 31st call the Warren County Health Department beginning Monday morning at 8 a.m. at 309-734-0823.
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos made a stop in Monmouth on Wednesday, March 24th to visit the community vaccination clinic at the First Christian Church. Bustos’s stop comes after President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan, which includes $20 billion to support the national vaccine campaign and speed up vaccine distribution. The City of Monmouth is to receive $1.1 million states Congresswoman Bustos:
“In Warren County there will be a total of just short of $5 million that will be coming to the county and the towns within Warren County. Warren County specifically it is $3.27 million. To Monmouth it is $1.1 million. The parameters around that are that the money has to be COVID related. If you look at lost tax revenue because people weren’t shopping the way they typically had, people weren’t filling up their vehicle like they typically would so the motor fuel tax went down, all of that went down; the revenue going into towns and to counties, so it is to be used for that. It is to be used for things like the public health departments, who have been working basically like a 24/7 shift for the last year to make sure that as we get out of this pandemic, where there is going to be all new sorts of needs, whether it’s’ mental health needs. Again, we don’t know how all of that is going to shape up. TO make sure that our public health departments are taken care of, but the money is designed to help communities get back on their feet again.”