If you have been a victim of a scam or someone is attempting to scam you, contact the Better Business Bureau and report it, says President and CEO in Central Illinois Jessica Tharp:
“The only way to stop a scam is to report it. We share all of our data with agencies like the FBI Internet Crime Division, Attorney’s General, Federal Trade Commission, all of the big guys that have the jurisdiction to go after these folks. By reporting it to the Better Business Bureau in North America we are able to compile this data for these agencies and really provide them with excellent resources and clues on how to go after these guys. Additionally, we can help educate and if you have been a victim of a scam, we will give you a plan. Let’s say its identity theft. If you have been a victim of identity theft, you are going to call the Better Business Bureau, we are going to report the scam, but then we are going to lead you down the path of recovery.”
To report a scam, contact the Better Business Bureau at 309-688-5124 or visit http://bbb.org.