2022 Monmouth Little Lions League Baseball Evaluation Days Announced


The Monmouth Little Lions League evaluation days have been announced for summer baseball in the city of Monmouth for kids aged 8-12. The days are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 23 and 24. Once again this summer, the league will be split into two age divisions. The minor leagues will be players that are 8 or 9 year olds. The major league will be kids ranging from 10 to 12 years old. The evaluation will take place on both days at Harmon Park, located at 700 North D in Monmouth. Registration is all online this year and can be done by going to the Facebook page of the league. Search for Monmouth Little Lions Baseball and scanning the QR code with your cellphone or clicking on the link in the flyer on the page. Here’s Noon Lions Club President Dan Doyle with more details on the evaluation days.

Monmouth Noon Lions Club President Dan Doyle

Kids need to bring their ballgloves and may bring their own bats and batting helmets. No problem if you don’t have your own, as there will be plenty of each provided on the day of the evaluations. Doyle gave some details on what to expect for the day.

Monmouth Noon Lions Club President Dan Doyle

Following the placement of the players on the teams and the major league coach’s draft, the games are going to begin at Harmon Park in late May and will be played Monday-Thursday with the minor league game at 5:30, followed by the major league game at around 7:30.

For more information, go to the League’s Facebook page at Monmouth Little Lions Baseball or to hear the entire interview with Dan Doyle, go to our website radiomonmoth.com and go to the SPORTS PODCAST section.

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