Take the Steps to Reduce Your Risk of West Nile


West Nile virus is the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the United States. Warren County Health Department Administrator Jenna Link says they trap and test for West Nile all mosquito season, which begins in the summer and continues through the fall:

“We trap for mosquitos all summer long. We set up traps, collect them twice a week, and then test the mosquitos to watch for West Nile virus. As temperatures warm up, the mosquito population tends to increase. Generally, if we find West Nile virus, I feel like it is usually mid-July, mid-August.”

Reduce the risk of contracting West Nile virus from a mosquito bite by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants and also using insect repellent while being outdoors.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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