Families and individuals visiting the Jamieson Community Center Food Pantry has significantly increased, shares Executive Director Nancy Mowen:
“Kids are home from school. Summer is always busier for us because they get breakfast and lunch at school during the school year and that is not happening right now. We are doing summer meals, which helps, but somebody has to get the kids at the site. Definitely that is a piece of it. Budgets are just stretched. We have seen at Jamieson Center, all of our costs are going up, just like everybody else’s are. You have a limited amount of income and have to figure out where that money goes to. Bills have to be paid or services get disconnected. The place people cut is at the grocery store.”
Over 10,000 pounds of food will be distributed during the month of July though the Food Pantry.
**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**