Warren County Junior Livestock Judging Team Shares Their Success


All year, the Warren County Junior 4-H Livestock Judging team has been studying and competing in contests all over Illinois. Maci Brooks, who has been competing on the team for four years, shares the team’s success.

“We started off at the Illinois Beef Expo in Springfield. After that, we went to Blackhawk, where we were second overall high individual team. Then we went on to Lakeland. We did pretty good on the questions, I was high overall there,” said Maci. “Then we went to Juliette; we were second overall ream. We then went to Western Illinois, I won the contest, Charlie [Thurman] was second, and we won as a team. After that we went to ICC, we were the second highest team overall.”

This summer the team will compete at the Warren County livestock judging contest before competing in the State 4-H Contest.

Written by Kailey Foster

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