To continue being involved within the local community and make a presence especially to the youth, the Monmouth Fire and Police Departments are actively participating in public outreach events, explains Communications Director Ken Helms:
“The Fire Department has also started doing quite a bit of public outreach. One of the things they are doing is they are going to the schools, sometimes early in the morning, just interacting with the children on their way into class, saying hello, shaking hands, different things like that just to raise awareness that they are there. Throughout different times, they might go into the classrooms when the teachers work it into their curriculum to talk about fire service and answer any questions the kids might have. The Police Department has actually started working with the Monmouth-Roseville School District and Carl Sandburg College to develop the dual credit so while the kids are in school and they are taking Sandburg classes in Criminal Justice education. It makes the best fit if they decide they do want to pursue a career in law enforcement.”