On July 1st, the Warren County Board will be taking over the administrative responsibilities for the Warren County Public Transportation. Board Chairman Mike Pearson explains Warren Achievement Center will continue to provide and operate the services:
“We are having a little bit of a reorganization. Warren Achievement has been and it will continue to be our provider; however, we are taking over some of the administrative duties. Unfortunately the state of Illinois is making all offices, whether it be IDOT or health or anything else, more labor intense on reporting, so there was a lot of different things. Our state applications, our operator agreement, and all of the things that go with that, were on the agenda. It was eight different items that we moved right through.”
One item on the agenda was the retirement of longtime Transportation Director and Warren Achievement Center employee Bob Ray after 42 years of service and the promotion of Program Compliance and Oversight Monitor Morgan Lewis to an Administrator in handling the transportation responsibilities. Furthermore, the departments in the county courthouse will transition to utilizing the software company of DEVNET to manage values and structures within Warren County.