If you ever find yourself in a conversation on the phone with someone and they start asking for a form of payment in gift cards, Monmouth Police Department Investigator Josh Kramer reminds no agency will ask that:
“There is no company or the government that wants you to go to Walgreens or Walmart and buy gift cards. If you ever get engaged on the phone somebody and it gets to the point where they ask you to go to the store and get $400 in gift cards, even Mastercard gift cards, nobody does that. At that point you need to pump the breaks, hang up the phone, determine what you have told them, what information you provided them, and start reporting things to us, to your banks, to your credit cards, to the credit bureaus because they are going to start. If you provided them any information, because that is all they are doing, they have a little bit of information, they are just wanting to confirm the rest.”