Part 1: Discussion on the retirement of Josh Hinton within the Monmouth Fire Department and the promotion of Craig Cozadd to Assistant Chief and Gary Carson to Captain
Part 2: Discussion on requests made by Courtyard Estates for a 5K, the vacation of the North-South Alley in the 700 block of North 9-1/2 and North 10th Streets, a liquor license, and highlights from the Monmouth Police Report given by Chief Joe Switzer
Part 3: Discussion on the passing of the Urban Hen Ordinance with the city limits of Monmouth, which can be found at August 21, 2023 Council Meeting | Monmouth. IL (
Part 4: Discussion on the police and fire pension funds and mandates the City of Monmouth receives to complete at different times throughout the year
Part 5: Update on the current progress of the water main and road reconstruction projects throughout the City of Monmouth