During the month of July, the Monmouth Police Department arrested 58 individuals and wrote 76 ordinance violations, informs Police Chief Joe Switzer:
“We made 58 criminal arrests. Those arrests included forgeries, driving while revoked or suspended, batteries, disorderly conducts, warrants, operation of uninsured motor vehicle, no valid driver’s license, endangering the life and health of a child, violations of bond, possession of cannabis, domestic battery, resisting and obstructing a peace officer, DUI, and possession of controlled substance. We wrote 76 ordinance violations during the month. Those were possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of cannabis, public intoxication, speeding, a lot of accident related ordinance violations, reckless driving, cell phone usage, curfew, and dogs running at large.”
The Monmouth Police Department also responded to 1,485 calls of service, 15 accidents, worked 42 grant hours, and the 911 Dispatch center answered 2,997 total calls throughout July.