Is a Digital Driver’s License a Possibility in Illinois?


For now, you still need to have a small piece of plastic if you want to show someone your driver’s license. As more things shift to a digital world, will your driver’s license in Illinois be able to be held as a file in your cell phone? Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias says there is plenty of modernization going on with his office and this will be something that will be coming at some point.

“We will eventually get to digital driver’s license, digital ID’s, but there is a lot of infrastructure that we need to get done first. Focusing on this, shoring up our cyber securities is going to be important, the creation of an app. It is difficult for me to give you a timeline of when it is going to happen. I will tell you unequivocally that it will happen and the goal is to get it done before the end of this term.”

8 states currently offer digital driver’s license.

***Courtesy of***

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