Cost-share programs are currently available through the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District. Shawnee Sheehan, Resource Conservationist for the district said the board recently approved up to $1,000 per applicant based on a 75 percent cost share rate for cover crop seeds.
“And our cover crop program can be stacked with other programs. We can for sure be stacked with cover crop programs with ADM as well as American Farmland Trust,” said Sheehan. “If you want to do anything with American Farmland Trust, you can actually get on their website and their applications are all digital. When filling it out, if you put your referral was Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District, one dollar from every acre comes back into our district from AFT.”
Sheehan adds that if you bring your cover crop seed invoice to the Conservation District office, they can get it filed with the state.