Beginning the week of January 8, 2024, Jamieson Community Center’s Senior Nutrition congregate meal sites in Kirkwood and Roseville will be reopening, shares Executive Director Nancy Mowen:
“Kirkwood will be Mondays and Wednesdays. Roseville will be on Fridays. That is a nice benefit for people that live in those communities. If you want to join us for a congregate meal, in Kirkwood it is at the Senior Center and in Roseville at the Community Center. Give us a call at 309-734-4251 and we have a short intake form, it takes about five minutes to complete. Just get signed up for the meals and enjoy a delicious, nutritious lunch that is especially designed for older adults.”
Director Mowen reports Jamieson Community Center is serving thirty percent more seniors through their Senior Nutrition program than this time last year.
For the complete interview with Director Mowen, click here.
Below is courtesy of Jamieson Community Center:
Jamieson Community Center congregate meal sites will reopen in Kirkwood and Roseville starting the week of January 8, 2024. People 60+ can join their peers for a nutritious hot meal. Lunch will be served at 11:00 AM at Kirkwood Village Center on Mondays and Wednesdays and at Roseville Community Center on Fridays. Reservations are required 24 hours in advance. Please call 309-371-4203. A menu is available online at
People 60+ with limited mobility may be eligible for a nutritious home-delivered meal in Henderson, Mercer and Warren Counties Monday-Friday. This is not an income-based program. To sign-up for home delivered meals, please call 309-734-4251.
For more information about the Senior Nutrition Program or Jamieson Community Center call (309) 734-4251, online at or visit 1025 S. 2nd Street from 8:30a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.