Local Country Financial Representative Tiffany Cole Says Recent Winter Storms Posed Some Problems Among Clients


With the recent winter storms that struck the local area, Country Financial Representative Tiffany Cole says if you have experienced any damage, contact your local agents and adjusters:

“The weather has posed a lot of problems; some frozen pipe issues, but more than anything we have been experiencing issues with our clients with the weight of ice and snow on their properties, their roofs. It was very heavy snow and we had a couple of different rounds of it in a quick turnaround time and some high winds so that definitely played a factor in some of those roof issues itself. Then, of course we got some rain on top of it and things really hadn’t had a chance to melt off quickly. Call your insurance agent, call a contractor, have them come out and do whatever you can to get things shored up to prevent further loss.”

Additionally, Cole informs the cost of some building materials has come down, but not as much on the labor side, which the availability of a contractor has caused concerns as well.

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