Monmouth Police Department Saw Increase in Call Volume and Arrests in 2023

Photo Courtesy of the Monmouth Police Department


In the end of the year report for the Monmouth Police Department, Chief Joe Switzer informs there was an increase in arrests and calls for the department and dispatch center:

“End of year totals, we issued 572 arrests, 917 citations, the Monmouth Police Department handled 15,824, or dispatch center handled 30,899 calls, we had 211 accidents, and the officers worked 567 grant hours. The one thing I wanted to point out on the stats, throughout the year your numbers kind of even-flow from month to month, but recently probably within the last three or four years, the year end totals are always up a little bit. This year we were up 7.7 percent in arrests, up 11 percent in call volume compared to 2022, and we had a 14.4 percent increase in call volume for the dispatch center, which the dispatch center, we dispatch for all the emergency agencies in the county.”

As for issued citations in 2023, Chief Switzer says those were down 19 percent, which corresponds with the 20 percent fewer grant hours that were worked by the officers.

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