The City of Monmouth has signed the construction contract with Laverdiere Construction to begin Phase 1 of the Downtown Monmouth beautification project, beginning with the water main replacements in each of the quadrants, explains City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher:
“The first phase of the project, which is replacing the water main and three sanitary sewer manholes that also need to be replaced. The project actually starts at the center of the southeast quadrant right near where Market Alley comes out into the quadrant. That is where we will be tapping into the existing water main that runs underneath Market Alley and then they will go north into the northeast quadrant, over to the northwest quadrant, back down to the southwest quadrant, and then finish up out on South Main Street. There will be some temporary coverings made once the trench has been dug and the water main has been replaced because the streetscape beautification project is scheduled to begin in June. There will be water service lines that will also have to be taken into each of the buildings and there will be some minor disruptions in the sidewalk, but the vast majority of the construction is actually going to be out in the parking spaces.”
The replacement of the water main lines in Downtown Monmouth has a 90 day window to be completed.