To help farmers navigate the growing carbon markets and policy discussions, the Strom family is hosting the Farm Foward Conference. Event organizer Grant Strom explains his family decided to host this event to help farmers in western Illinois have access to resources and experts in carbon-related fields.
“Our family became very interested in a lot of the carbon policy talk that’s kind of been surfacing the last couple of years as it relates to raising corn and soybeans and using those products for next-generation biofuels, whether it’s low carbon ethanol or biodiesel, or renewable diesel, or now a lot of the talk is going to sustainable aviation fuel,” says Strom.
Discussion topics at this event include a Policy Update with Jim Wiesemeyer, Carbon policy with Lauren Lurkins, renewable fuels with Dustin Marquis and Drew Schlumpf, and biologicals with Bryan Hansel.
“So, we became very interested in a lot of those topics and felt that there haven’t been enough really good opportunities locally for farmers to come to learn about some of these policies, what things they need to be looking for, when it comes to raising corn, soybeans, for fuel production. We kind of took it on our shoulders that we wanted to put together a conference that could answer a lot of the farmer’s questions and a lot of the conversations we’re getting,” says Strom.
The Farm Forward Conference is this Thursday, March 7th from 8 am to 2 pm at Strom Family Farms in Dahinda, Illinois.