Limited Parking in the Downtown for Months Ahead


The underground portion of the Downtown Beautification Project in the City of Monmouth continues as the main water lines are being connected around the four quadrants and into each building, reports Mayor Rod Davies:

“We have new service valves all around to facilitate in case there is a service disruption for some reason. They have also connected to the relatively new water main on Market Alley, so we have a lot of loops here and we feel really good about this. They will be tackling the 100 block of East Broadway next and then they will be working on some man holes and sewer linings and sewer repairs in some bad sections that we will have to replace.”

Laverdiere Construction is currently under contract with a 90 day window to complete the Downtown water main portion before the project will transition to the highly anticipated beautification, which includes addressing parking concerns, explains Mayor Davies:

“We are adding some parking over on South First Street with a new parking lot as part of this project. Usually when we do these beautifications and add rain gardens, parking spaces go away. We are very excited that this one is going to add spaces and in the 100 blocks of north, south, east, and west we are going to add some diagonal parking on those approaches to help with added parking spaces close to the Downtown and quadrants. I think this new parking lot over on South First, between Shyvel’s and Tippy’s, in that vacant lot we have there gives us some extra parking there, which will be close to Downtown as well as the businesses on South First.”

Meanwhile, the street restoration portion of West Harlem Avenue will be completed when companies begin producing the hot mix asphalt, which is typically mid April. As for the North 6th Street reconstruction, Monmouth City Council has approved utilizing COVID Relief funds and City capital improvement monies to complete the project, which will go to bid later this month.

For more from Mayor Davies and Communications Director Ken Helms on the road projects in Monmouth, listen below.

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