The warmer temperatures have many of us venturing outside, some in search of mushrooms. Morel Mushroom Hunting season is upon us and many folks have already had some luck. But State Representative Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) and health departments around the state, want to remind you, we aren’t the only ones enjoying the outdoors.
When heading back inside you’ll want to be sure to check for tiny hitch-hikers, the same grassy, woodsy natural areas that mushroom hunters frequent are those where ticks lurk. Because of changes in the weather and climate, ticks are “changing and increasing” their geographical range. And with their increased presence comes the potential for unwanted diseases such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Below is audio with representative Swanson, who has been the leader in the Illinois House of Representatives when it comes to Lyme Disease legislation.
***Courtesy of State Representative Swanson***