Bids for the next phase of the Downtown Monmouth Revitalization project are out. With construction to begin in early to mid-June, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher breaks down the timeline of the project:
“The four 100 Blocks on East and West Broadway and North and South Main, those entrances and exits into and out of the Public Square will be the first phase of the construction, That will be to taper the two lanes into one lane. There will be diagonal parking established and then of course all new curbs and also a curb in the medium that will serve as some greenery in the middle of the street, as well as a safety island for pedestrians as they cross. Then they will begin the northeast quadrant where City Hall in located and they will continue counterclockwise.”
Target completion date is December 31, 2024, with some planting of greenery in the spring of 2025.