Shoulder Injuries Have Been on the Rise Recently for Young and Older Pitchers Alike


Pitching injuries in baseball has been a big topic in the sports world in the past several years. Before the start of the 2017 high school baseball season, the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) instituted a rule limiting the amount of pitchers a student athlete can throw, stating that a pitcher who throws over 45 pitches in a game must rest for 2 days, over 60 there must be a 4 day rest, over 60 a three day rest period and a pitcher who crosses the 75 pitch mark must take 5 days of rest before pitching in game again. At the professional level, Major League Baseball pitchers have been exposed to a rising rate in the number of shoulder and elbow injuries. According to ESPN, 34.4% of pitchers in 2022, and 35.3% of pitchers in 2023 had to undergo Tommy John surgery to repair elbow injuries, while the National Institutes of Health says that around 57% of pitchers at all levels of baseball deal with some sort of minor or severe shoulder injury during a season. Doug Price is the clinic manager at Advanced Rehab and Sports Medicine in Monmouth. Price says the shoulder is a very complex joint, that can be easily injured through overuse or bad posture.

For the full interview with Advanced Rehab Clinic Manager Doug Price, visit the News Podcast section of our website,

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